It is still true that most people do not make a Will. In Bristol this is the case and in the UK as a whole only 42% of people over 55 have written a Will.
A report by Macmillan Cancer Support has revealed that nearly 2 in 3 UK residents (63%) are failing to write a Will and make their final wishes known. The same report has also highlighted that 1.5 million people have unknowingly made their Will void by getting married. Marriage automatically revokes a legal Will unless written in anticipation of the happy day.
In addition to these high figures the report also highlighted:
1. 1 in 5 Wills still include an ex-partner or have failed to be updated due to new arrivals such as children or grandchildren or new partners.
2. 1 in 4 Wills have not been reviewed in the last 5 years. It is advisable to review your Will every 3-5 years.
3. The number one reason for failing to make a Will is ‘just never getting round to it'
Without a Will a person dies in testate and the government then decide who receives and the terms of the inheritance. To avoid this contact Rose & Trust of Bristol on 0117 369 1969 for a free consultation to start the process of writing a Will.